Assistant Professor
Thu 12:00-14:00, Fri 16:00-18:00
Assistant Professor in the Department of Biomedical Engineering of the University of WestAttica since March 2022. He was born in 1981 and graduated in 2004 from the Department of Chemistry of the University of Patras. Performed postgraduate studies (2006) and PhD thesis (2012) in Medical Chemistry, an interdepartmental program of the University of Patras. From 2012 to 2015 he worked as a postdoctoral researcher in the laboratory of Computational Medicine, Department of Medicine, at the Autonomous University of Barcelona. From 2015 until 2021 he continued his postdoctoral research at the Laboratory of Molecular Design and Biomolecular NMR, Department of Pharmacy at the University of Patras. In 2021 he returned to the Autonomous University of Barcelona for a year of postdoctoral research. In parallel with his research activity, he has a worked as project manager, research associate, consultant and co-founder of spinoff or start-up pharmaceutical research companies.
He has been awarded for his research with three (3) postdoctoral research scholarships by IKY and has received the seal of excellence for a research proposal from the European Commission in the framework of Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions. He has also received short-term funding for postdoctoral research at the Autonomous University of Barcelona (HPC Europa) and the National Cancer Institute, Amsterdam (EMBO).
He has participated in a research project as a Scientific Director and one as a Coordinator. He has worked on more than ten (10) research projects as a research associate and holds two (2) European patents for the discovery of potential pharmaceutical compounds for various diseases. He has taught at the undergraduate level at the University of Patras and the Hellenic Open University, and in Master’s degrees at the University of Patras, Democritus University and the Autonomous University of Barcelona.
His main research interests are:
- Virtual screenings in cheminformatics databases for the identification of bioactive compounds
- The understanding of transmembrane proteins by studying their dynamics using structural biology data.
He has 57 publications in international peer-review scientific journals, h-index 17, and 9 scientific publications in international conference proceedings.