MSc level program “Advanced Systems and Methods in Biomedical Engineering”

The Department of Biomedical Engineering of the Faculty of Engineering of the University of West Attica (UNIWA) organizes a graduate program at the MS level entitled:


Advanced Systems and Methods in Biomedical Engineering


The purpose of the program is to provide students at all career stages the tools necessary for the study, design, development, and application of novel and advanced systems and methods in the field of biomedical engineering. The program will cover the entire spectrum of biomedical engineering topics from basic science issues to technological state-of-the-art to economic and business aspects of the field.


The graduates of the program are expected to advance their knowledge in biomedical engineering through theoretical instruction in basic sciences and traditional engineering disciplines but also novel biomedical engineering topics, acquiring thus improved analytical skills to process the rapid changes in the field. Their exposure to advanced research tools and participation in supervised research projects will further enhance their ability to transfer and apply associated technologies to engineering problems in their work environment.


Prospective students are expected to be graduates of the Department of Biomedical Engineering, UNIWA, but also graduates of other related basic and health science departments of domestic or foreign institutions (foreign institution graduates are expected to have their bachelor’s degrees recognized by the Hellenic NARIC).


Courses are taught in Greek.


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      • Studies > Postgraduate
      • Announcements > Postgraduate


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